Howard Roberts — Star Eyes

Though mostly unsung while he was alive and nearly forgotten by most guitarists today, Howard Roberts’ bluesy approach to jazz guitar rivals that of Kenny Burrell and his lines are as clean and cogent as the best instrumentalists in the form.

Most people have heard Roberts play without knowing it: as a session man, he backed Peggy Lee on “Fever”; Bobby Day on “Rockin’ Robin”; Shelley Fabares on “Johnny Angel”; Dean Martin on “Houston”; and did the theme songs for the “Twilight Zone,” “The Munsters,” and “I Dream of Jeannie” TV shows. His movie work included playing on the themes for “Cool Hand Luke” and “Bullitt.” He even subbed lead guitar on The Monkees first recordings until Michael Nesmith learned how to play the parts, as well as work with guitar icons like Barney Kessel and Chet Atkins.

Born in 1929, Roberts’ professional career spanned over 45 years and he was still playing and teaching until his untimely death from cancer in 1992. Here he is playing “Star Eyes” — the guitar solo’s incredible.

For more info, go to and the Howard Roberts site here.

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